
In order to create and run the tests in there are a few things we need to download and install:

  • Download Selenium RC
  • Download and install Java which is required for running Selenium
  • In order to run Selenium tests we need to run Selenium Server which is shipped with Selenium RC. Since it's a Java program we run it by typing (replacing # with the current server version) java -jar selenium-server-#.jar in a console window.

For more information go to Documentation page

Working with elements

Getting text of an element

Set Element  = Driver.findElementBy(,"q")
Msgbox Element.getText							

Clicking an element (link, checkbox, etc.)

Set Element  = Driver.findElementBy(,"q")						

Typing into text field

Set Element  = Driver.findElementBy(,"q")
Element.sendKeys "VBScript"						

Get attribute of an element

Set Element  = Driver.findElementBy(,"q")
Msgbox Element.getAttributeName						

Executing JavaScript

Synchronous script execution

Set Driver = New WebDriver
	Driver.connect "","4444","firefoxproxy", ""
	Driver.navigateTo ""

Window handling

Getting current window handle

Set Driver = New WebDriver
	Driver.connect "","4444","firefoxproxy", ""
	Driver.navigateTo ""
	Msgbox Driver.getWindowHandle							

Google Search Test

Sub Include(ByVal strFile)
   Set objFs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
   strFile = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(strFile)
   file = objFs.GetAbsolutePathName(strFile)
   Set objFile = objFs.OpenTextFile(strFile)
   strCode = objFile.ReadAll
End Sub

Include "WebDriver.vbs"

Set Driver = New WebDriver	
	Driver.connect "","4444","firefox", ""
	Driver.navigateTo ""	
	MsgBox "Retrieve the URL of the current page: " & Driver.getCurrentUrl()

Set Element  = Driver.findElementBy(,"q")
	Element.sendKeys "VBScript"
	MsgBox "Element's tag name: " & Element.getName()	
	MsgBox "Element attribute name: " & Element.getAttributeName
	MsgBox "Element is enabled?: " & Element.isEnabled
	MsgBox "Element is displayed?: " & Element.isDisplayed	
	MsgBox "Element CSS Color property: " & Element.getCssProperty("color")						

Help me Buy and Sell a House

Demo page by

ScriptUnit integration example:

Sub Include(ByVal strFile)
   Set objFs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
   Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
   strFile = WshShell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(strFile)
   file = objFs.GetAbsolutePathName(strFile)      
   Set objFile = objFs.OpenTextFile(File)
   strCode = objFile.ReadAll
End Sub

Include "WebDriver.vbs"

Dim Driver 
Dim sSUT : sSUT = ""
Dim sBrowser : sBrowser = "internet explorer"

sub setup		
	Set Driver = New WebDriver
	Driver.connect "","4444",sBrowser, ""
end sub

sub Teardown()
	Set Driver = Nothing	
end sub

Sub Test_completeForm1() 
	Assert.IsSomething Driver, "object Driver was not created" 
	Driver.NavigateTo sSUT
	'Are you currently working with a real estate agent?
	Dim radio : Set radio = Driver.findElementBy(Driver.xpath,"//*[@id='sf1']/div/fieldset/input[2]") 
	Assert.IsSomething radio, "object Element by xpath was not created"
	Set radio = Nothing
	'When would you like to move?
	Dim combo1 : Set combo1 = Driver.findElementBy(Driver.xpath,"//*[@id='recordPurchaseTimeFrameID']/option[2]") 
	Assert.IsSomething combo1, "object Element by xpath was not created"
	Set combo1 = Nothing
	'Purchase price range
	Dim combo2 : Set combo2 = Driver.findElementBy(Driver.xpath,"//*[@id='recordPurchasePriceRangeID']/option[6]") 
	Assert.IsSomething combo2, "object Element by xpath was not created"
	Set combo2 = Nothing
	Dim combo3 : Set combo3 = Driver.findElementBy(Driver.xpath,"//*[@id='recordPurchaseState']/option[6]") 
	Assert.IsSomething combo3, "object Element by xpath was not created"
	Set combo3 = Nothing
	'Desired property type
	Dim city : Set city = Driver.findElementBy(Driver.xpath,"//*[@id='recordCityName']") 
	Assert.IsSomething city, "object Element by xpath was not created" 
	city.sendKeys "Montevideo"
	Set city = Nothing
	'Desired property type
	Dim combo4 : Set combo4 = Driver.findElementBy(Driver.xpath,"//*[@id='recordPurchasePropertyTypeID']/option[3]") 
	Assert.IsSomething combo4, "object Element by xpath was not created"
	Set combo4 = Nothing
	Dim button : Set button = Driver.findElementBy(,"formNext1") 
	Assert.IsSomething button, "object Element by name was not created"
	Set button = Nothing
	Dim input : Set input = Driver.findElementBy(,"recordPropertyAddress1") 
	Assert.IsSomething input , "object Element by name was not created" 
	Set input = Nothing
End Sub	

Run test

ScriptUnit.exe VBSWebDriver test.vbs /log results.xml.